• throw vs throw ex

    Throw preserves (bảo quản, lưu giữ) the stack trace. So let’s say Method2 calls Method1, Method1 throws Error1, it’s caught by Method2 and Method2 says throw then Method1 Error1 + Method2 Error2 will be available in the stack trace.
  • Middleware vs Action Filter in ASP.NET Core

    Both ActionFilter and Middleware are powerful mechanisms in ASP.NET Core used to handle cross-cutting concerns, but they operate at different levels of the request pipeline and serve distinct purposes.
  • Interceptor vs Action Filter

    Interceptor is a design pattern that allows code to be executed or data to be manipulated before or after a particular operation (an action method is invoked). For example, in web development, interceptors can be used to modify HTTP requests or responses (request/response pipeline). Allowing developers to use interceptors to manage concerns like logging, security, caching, validation, and transaction handling in a modular and reusable way.